27 January 2009

one down, three to go

four days before the month is over, and one of my projects is finally done.  i will share, in time, a bit of it - it's a video compilation of our department's year in review, done in iMovie.  it was my first time playing with the application and i'm definitely impressed.  it's a good tool to get your feet wet, but it's not super precise and full of tricks that it becomes too intimidating.  by the end i started feeling a little limited by the functions available, but overall, it's better than some of the online apps for making videos, and it's done straight out of materials you have on your computer that you can pull up easily (i.e. it links to iPhoto and iTunes so you can lay soundtracks efficiently from your own library).

the other three projects...well, my goal remains that they be wrapped up by february 1st so i can breathe a little.  i'm currently curled up in bed with my mac working furiously in Flash on one of them.  the contractors are in to re-do my floors (YAY WE GET HARDWOOD FLOORING!  FOR (ALMOST) FREE!  THANKS FLOODERS!) so i have no place to squat but in bed.  i actually quite like this holed-up-ness.  i'm not wasting my time in front of the idiot box tonight, and i'm forced to work comfortably from my bed with a cup of tea, and a magazine at the ready.

speaking of magazines - i am getting my hands on the newest martha stewart living!  it has such a pretty cover and i'm totally judging the book by its cover.


Kasia S. said...

looking forward to hearing about your january! miss you, we must chat soon!

Allie said...

I'm so excited to see the video. Post post post! :)

Hope you're doing well. Sounds like you are super busy.

I want to get my hands on the new Martha as well, yay!