ideal day:
5:45am - alarm goes off; i get up
6:00am - do my 5km on the elliptical or treadmill
6:45am - work on those guns and abs
7:15am - quick breakfast, pack up some food for the day
7:30am - shower
8:00am - clothed, made up, and out the door
8:45am - at desk with coffee
4:45pm - start the countdown
5:00pm - ditch
6:00pm - home with my feet up, waiting for dinner to cook, wine in hand
7:00pm - a blur of vegetating on the couch, tidying up, and perhaps doing house stuff if i'm extra keen
9:30pm - in bed
6:00am - alex's extremely annoying alarm goes off, i whack him, shove a pillow over my head, and go back to sleep
7:23am - panic ensues in my mind while my body remains completely still
7:25am - my body decides to test out moving one limb at a time
7:35am - putter putter, then get in the shower
8:00am - brushing teeth as if i were a shark with seven rows of teeth
8:05am - complain i have nothing to wear (how does this happen?)
8:10am - put on a semi-normal outfit, smear on make-up
8:15am - valiant attempt to include some food from home in my purse for the day
8:25am - look for a jacket
8:30am - realize jacket is actually still in the car
8:35am - locate keys, cell phone, and other miscellaneous items needed for work
8:37am - wait for elevator
8:40am - get in the car
9:20am - in front of desk without coffee, but with a questionable breakfast from greasetown in the caf
where was my alarm in this reality? maybe that's where i've gone wrong.
5 hours ago
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