31 January 2009

25 things - from facebook

Instead of posting this on facebook, I thought I'd do it here. IMHO I think facebook notes are a bit too attention-grabbing for my introverted self ;)

Rules: You are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

1. I wear my heart on my sleeve. I can't pretend to like someone I cannot stand, so I have stopped trying.

2. I hate small talk. At some point, I think I lost that ability to be keen about other people's lives and carry a conversation. I distinctly remember being a very big brown-nosing conversationalist with teachers, but I really don't know what happened to that version of me.

3. Despite what you may think, I'm very conscious of the fact that sometimes I tend to dominate conversations and they end up being about me too much. I'm trying, really!

4. There are days when I sincerely believe that if I don't eat chocolate right then and there, I will actually lose my will to live.

5. I'm afraid of all insects and bugs, and I inadvertently go into hysterics when confronted with cockroaches, ladybugs, slugs, or grass snakes too close to me (i.e. jumping up and attempting to flee the scene, literally). I know because I've encountered the aforementioned four types of bugs and that's what happened. The list may be longer, but let's hope I never find out.

6. My irrational fear of something as cute as ladybugs comes from the time when the city of London released millions upon millions of ladybugs to "help the crops" and half of the population ended up on my kitchen wall in my apartment. They fell (that's how they "land") on top of my head during dinner, onto my freshly baked cookies, etc. They made me really sad. And they looked evil.

7. I will read and re-read my favourite books over and over, and I will pick them up and start reading from random pages.

8. I get really dizzy when I'm rock-climbing, but it usually goes away near the end of the session. I think I might have vertigo due to heights, so I close my eyes when I get to the top.

9. I don't know what to do with other people's babies. When people bring their babies in to work and everyone's cooing and asking to hold the babies, I keep my arms crossed (subconsciously). I think it's weird to pass around babies, and I would only do it if there wasn't a crowd gathering and I knew both of the parents well enough. Perhaps I'm also a bit shy about the fact that I have no maternal instincts to want to hold, rock, coo, or sing to other people's babies.

10. I love big dogs, but that's not always been the case. When I was little and terrified of everything, I don't think I enjoyed any type of dogs very much. I also hear my mom's dog knocked me over once in a while when I was a toddler. Oh, and I still don't love it when dogs lick, but I will accept them for who they are and what their instincts tell them to do.

11. I love to eat. I don't think I have ever really missed a meal due to my biological clockwork that demands food at typical meal times.

12. While I love buying shoes and handbags, there are some things I just don't can't bring myself to buy. I am not really able to indulge on expensive clothing (just can't justify it), other than coats, and I don't know how to buy accessories. I'm the least accessorized girl I know.

13. I hate the way my voice sounds.

14. I have absolutely no [conscious] knowledge of the fact that I grind my teeth like mad at night. 

15. For the past few years, at the beginning of every year, I tell myself, "dude, you're (insert age) this year, seriously, get a grip and actually lose the weight you've been meaning to lose." Then I go and gain some more weight.

16. Although I keep saying I want to be (insert occupation) when I grow up, I am held back from actually quitting my "normal-person-office-job" because of my upbringing and the beliefs instilled in me.

17. I am an incredibly tense person. I don't know how to relax my body and I find myself clenching my fists or tightening my shoulders even during massages, manicures, and other relaxing activities.

18. One of my favourite things about myself is that I work to avoid gender stereotypes. I know more about cars, computers, gadgets, and sports than most girls I know. I gave up in the tools and machinery section though - getting to know the kitchen was more alluring ;)

19. I have a very sharp sense of smell, and a lot of smells trigger distinct memories for me.

20. I love school. I loved it even when I didn't speak English. If I could, I would stay in school and work through different majors that interest me.

21. Despite popular belief, I do not want, or plan on having, a fancy wedding.  I maintain that the max number of guests would top out at 50.  Yes, I am willing to forego fancy registries, big pouffy dresses, floral arrangements, etc. etc.  I'm not quite ready to let go of a beautiful cake, and something couture, but that can be easily arranged.

23. I wore makeup consistently to work everyday last year and can count the number of days I didn't with my hands.  That was one of my resolutions last year, and I'm quite proud of achieving it.  I didn't extend the resolution into 2009.

24. I have never tried any illegal substances.  My motto there is go big or go home.

25. I used to believe my mom was a witch riding away on a broomstick while I slept at night.  She was that magical and scary to me.

Now...I will tag Kasia, Allie, and Spends2Much...and my sister, wherever her blog is...but I think she's already done this.

27 January 2009

one down, three to go

four days before the month is over, and one of my projects is finally done.  i will share, in time, a bit of it - it's a video compilation of our department's year in review, done in iMovie.  it was my first time playing with the application and i'm definitely impressed.  it's a good tool to get your feet wet, but it's not super precise and full of tricks that it becomes too intimidating.  by the end i started feeling a little limited by the functions available, but overall, it's better than some of the online apps for making videos, and it's done straight out of materials you have on your computer that you can pull up easily (i.e. it links to iPhoto and iTunes so you can lay soundtracks efficiently from your own library).

the other three projects...well, my goal remains that they be wrapped up by february 1st so i can breathe a little.  i'm currently curled up in bed with my mac working furiously in Flash on one of them.  the contractors are in to re-do my floors (YAY WE GET HARDWOOD FLOORING!  FOR (ALMOST) FREE!  THANKS FLOODERS!) so i have no place to squat but in bed.  i actually quite like this holed-up-ness.  i'm not wasting my time in front of the idiot box tonight, and i'm forced to work comfortably from my bed with a cup of tea, and a magazine at the ready.

speaking of magazines - i am getting my hands on the newest martha stewart living!  it has such a pretty cover and i'm totally judging the book by its cover.

22 January 2009


as you may have noticed, i've gone on a bit of a hiatus. i have quite a few projects going on outside of work, so life is hectic trying to get them all wrapped up. i hope to do so by end of january (another lofty goal), so hopefully i'll be back up and running soon.

meanwhile, i do owe a few back-dated posts as well, so watch out for those. january hasn't slipped by unnoticed.

random thought - caught my reflection in a glass display case on the wall outside the caf. what's stuck on my butt? oh wait, that is part of my butt. OMG!

another random thought - hey china, haven't you learned from enough parents, and perhaps even Adam and Eve, that temptation only drives the wrong type of behaviour? seriously, do you really think that censoring out parts of obama's speech on communism won't peak your people's interest to find out what exactly you bleeped out?

05 January 2009

sprinkles cupcakes

seeing as how much i adore cupcakes, i decided to scout out cupcake destinations in dallas...and came across sprinkles cupcakes from beverly hills.  score!!  this is the same company that sells its cupcake mixes at williams-sonoma, so i definitely took note and made sure to stop by there. 

internet, my dedication was rewarded more than i had imagined possible.

clockwise from top left: chocolate marshmallow (so-so), chocolate peppermint (festive), black and white (SOOOO GOOD), lemon coconut (SOOOO GOOD), red velvet (delish), and strawberry (so-so)

cute menu card on the flavours of the day, postcards, and a red velvet cupcake mix...everything looks like so much fun and so delicious!

02 January 2009

conclusion: 2008 + introduction: 2009

2008 memories come to me in bits and pieces, and it feels like the year went by doubly-quickly.  it began mildly as i returned to work in january, and as the winter wore on, the coldness took some steroids and tripped out at us with lots and lots of snow, slush, coldness, ice, and relentless mercy.  from this remarkably cruel beginning, i learned...
  • i need to get away to somewhere warm in the middle of winter, or else it just feels so depressing by april
  • i will never forget february 1st.  that day marked the culmination of a month of extremely tight and stressful deadlines, strained relationships with the agency, and working overtime just to have it all explode so perfectly in sync with a blizzard on a friday afternoon.  it also marked the beginning of a year of whirlwind campaigns that would leave me often deflated and exhausted at the end of a long week; it made me appreciate vacation time so much more in june when i finally took some time off for myselff
  • my favourite chocolate cake recipe in february, by chance when allison was visiting and i decided to bake a cake in celebration.
  • when i got my promotion to senior analyst, it also led me to a dangerous place where i would start questioning the need for a new role, my expected timeline for the next movement in my career and the next promotion.
  • as first-time homeowners moving into a craptastic home that so needed our attention and care, we underestimated our patience for all the highs and lows that come with the ongoing process.  it can never be done in a matter of days - and it's true that the house&home featured homes usually say that the owner worked on it for a couple of years before being in the magazine.
  • to appreciate and "make-do" with our city: we began to do a bit more exploring around the city, and that continued throughout summer.  the weather wasn't always cooperative, but i would like to think we made the best of it.  my birthday slipped by quietly but with great company and food (mmm waffles).
  • vacation is important. quiet time is important. there's also a joy to staying at home doing absolutely nothing, and that luxury should be taken advantage of at every available opportunity.
  • as i got older, i became more wasteful and less concerned about saving money - bad idea.  
  • as i got older, i became less capable of knowing my limit when alcohol is around - another bad idea.
on that note, in 2009 i want to
  • eat out less often
  • stick to a budget
  • get away in February 
  • take time to just relax with Alex around my birthday
  • take more "me" time regularly
  • try a different cookie recipe every couple of weeks
  • eat healthy despite having cookies every couple of weeks
  • hit the gym more
  • rock-climb on a more regular basis
  • take a break from my good friend alcohol until my birthday
  • get a bike in the summer and go biking more often
  • learn to swim (this makes the list every year but i have yet to accomplish it...)
Happy new year!

[no pictures because i'm being lazy]