as you may have noticed, i've gone on a bit of a hiatus. i have quite a few projects going on outside of work, so life is hectic trying to get them all wrapped up. i hope to do so by end of january (another lofty goal), so hopefully i'll be back up and running soon.
meanwhile, i do owe a few back-dated posts as well, so watch out for those. january hasn't slipped by unnoticed.
random thought - caught my reflection in a glass display case on the wall outside the caf. what's stuck on my butt? oh wait, that is part of my butt. OMG!
another random thought - hey china, haven't you learned from enough parents, and perhaps even Adam and Eve, that temptation only drives the wrong type of behaviour? seriously, do you really think that censoring out parts of obama's speech on communism won't peak your people's interest to find out what exactly you bleeped out?
4 hours ago
You have been a busy woman! I miss hearing from you :(
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