Dearest Kasia
I just spent the time from 4:32 to approximately 5:03 looking through our old Gmail chats because I discovered the function. Also, let's not forget that my head is in a "Monday cloud", so of course I wasn't doing anything productive. This is all besides the point.
I miss our random middle-of-the-day chats about nothing in particular but whatever came to our heads. I love the casual-ness of being able to just message you when I saw you online. Some snippets of my favourites:
March 2, 2007
Katherine: hows san fran?
me: it's awesome
me:my hotel room is in the Club level for some awesome reason
Katherine: cool!
me: i got a complimentary mini bottle of wine too
Katherine: and did you promply drink it?
me: no :(
only kasia would say "promptly drink"
April 2, 2007
me: oh we went to queen's pasta cafe on bloor last night - it was quite good
me: really hits the spot if you are craving pasta
me: and they have whole wheat pasta too
Katherine: i was always wondering about that place
me: i liked it
me: k i should probably close this window - i'll see you later tonight
me: i am thinking you wont' be working late...
we took seeing each other after work for granted i tell you!
April 13, 2007
Katherine: hows work?
me: not that exciting
me: you?
Katherine: its "slit my wrists"able
Katherine: but my current boss is leaving at 4 or so today and told me i can leave "any time after that" - so i think at 4:01 or so i'll leave
the term "slit-my-wrist-able" trademarked by Kasia
July 24, 2007
me: i finished harry potter!!!
me: i finished it at 2:30 in the morning the day after - couldn't put it down after i started!
me: i just succeeded in spilling yogurt all over my pants. for fucks sake.
Katherine: haha - really? how is it? i just started ot read it
Katherine: i was in the middle of another book and wanted to finish that before starting on HP
me: ok i am packing up because i just dont want to sit here anymore.
me: my pants are now clinging to me wiht a horrendous scent of fake raspberries from my yogurt
true friendship: sharing a play-by-play of your work day while maintaining a whole other conversation
October 9, 2007
Katherine: eeek! i'm SO excited about [the baby shower]!
Katherine: what can i do to help out?
Katherine: i'm currently unassigned and bored
me: you can call these people and reserve the stuff
me: wait no you can't
me: because then you'd find out my theme
me: forget that...
Katherine: ahh...ok
me: :P
me: i will give you a call later
Katherine: ok call me at work 417 941 8383 ext 13887
being able to call your bestie at WORK! during the DAY! to talk about NOTHING IN PARTICULAR!
November 15, 2007
9:09 PM
Katherine: hey - ok, so i think i might be in labour
me: WHAT!
me: or wait, as ross would say, "are they just braxton-hicks contractions"?
Katherine: they are kind of painful
Katherine: FUCK and they are coming like every 5 min!!
me: good girl, you're timing them
me: please go in labour so i can get out of work early tomorrow :P
Katherine: haha well it might be a false alarm... sometimes women have contractions and then they stop
Katherine: i did lose my "mucus plug" on monday though
me: that sounds gross btw.
Katherine: anyway it might take you want me to call you if we decide to go to the hospital? i mean, just to know if I am really in labor?
Katherine: it might be in the middle of the night
me: yeah let me know if/when you go to the hospital
Katherine: ok even if its like at 4 am?
me: and potentially confused and cranky, but that's ok
Katherine: haha ok
Katherine: jordan wants to know if i am indeed in labor if you would want to be my second "person" thats allowed in L&D
me: i could be?
Katherine: cause i think he's freaking out a bit
me: sure
Katherine: ok thanks...i'll let you know what the decision is...its just nice to have someone as a back up!
me: no problem, although i too, am squeamish
me: remember i couldn't even look at drunken puking dude when we were in the emergency room
it ended up being a false alarm and little Kubus wanted to be a December baby, but still, it warmed my heart to be in the know and to be invited to the delivery room
November 30, 2007
12:59 PM
Katherine: i get my UFE results in 1 min
me: i know.
me: i am also watching the page...:P
Katherine: hahah
me: i can't believe you're not in labour yet.
me: what is going on, woman!
Katherine: I KNOW!!!
Katherine: thanks
Katherine: 'i'm so excited!
so excited, in fact, that she went into labour and delivered Kubus a day later
That's pretty much my trip down Memory Lane so far...*uncontrollable sobs*
[Edit: it's funny that I am writing this today - a year ago today we had Kasia's baby shower!]
4 hours ago
You know, we must be on some special "bestie" wave-length. I haven't had a chance to update my blog recently (Jordan stole my computer to use as a "media centre" and I had to give my laptop back to work, and hence didn't have much time to look at yours, until today - and I noticed the post about me! Written TODAY! It made my day really...I was feeling a bit lonely today and missing everyone, you in wearing my Tory Burch flats (always think of you when I wear them) and was sad thinking that no one here appreciates them as much as you...except one lady at the pharmacy the other day who stopped me to tell me that she loved them.
Anyway, reading your post made me laugh and made me a bit sad that we can't have these chats now...hopefully when I go back to work at least I'll be able to send you more emails (PwC work will be no match for Kubus watching) about random things during the day.
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