first night! there were five of us - three returning and had just finished the week before, and me and another girl who are just starting. the first day is always the fitness test, so here goes my numbers!
- right bicep (flexed): 11.75"
- chest (widest part): 34" (let's hope this doesn't shrink down, because that would just be really sad)
- abdomen: 30"
- hips/glutes: 38" (i think my butt grew two inches in the last year!!)
- right thigh: 20"
- calf: 15" (this is abnormally wide. i blame my excessive walking around as a child, and my asian genes)
then we proceeded on with the actual fitness part of things, and here are my results.
fitness test
- 1 minute push-ups: 22
these were knee push-ups. not completely girly, but not manly either. for now, i am ambiguous.
- 1 minute sit-ups: 32
these were actually crunches, and i wasn't bad at them at all. i obviously didn't power through them because i didn't want to kill myself just yet.
- plank hold: 1 minute 34 seconds
i celebrated, thinking this was pretty decent, until two other people, including the other newbie, had to be cut off at 5 minutes 5 seconds. then i felt sad. apparently this is "mental" as well. i think whoever came up with it is mental.
- squat hold: 57 seconds (absolutely pathetic, as the other lady who ran 10k yesterday held it for 6 minutes 30 seconds and had to be cut off)
this is also "mental" - however, my legs were shaking so much i thought i'd spare everyone the cruel joke of watching me shake and just give up.
- 1k jog: 7 minutes 5 seconds
i told ari, the trainer, that i hadn't run like this since the end of grade 10 since gym class became optional. this time, the other ladies had to wait for me to finish. how sad.
(basically, at this point, i am completely out of breath and feel a little sick. i looked green, i'm sure)
because we had time, we did arm exercises with the weights. we did bicep workouts, tricep workouts, then some more muscles that i can't remember the name of, and then i had to have a little sit-down on the grass during the "pumping weights" part because if i didn't stop i was probably going to make a scene/throw a tantrum/puke on someone. i am soooo unfit and such an embarrassment...wherever did my parents get me from??
then came the stretches and i could still hear my heart pounding in my ears. i began thinking that maybe i have this deathly illness that's really rare, but basically it would mean that i can't exercise or i'd kill myself. kinda like that heart condition on one tree hill, maybe. this was so fantastical to me that i zoned out and ari had to ask if i was ok. i was...i was just lost in a fantasy where medical pros will have to declare me exempt from exercise for life. what a great concept!
finally we were dismissed and i was seriously questioning my sanity by then. so far when i've told people that i've signed up for bootcamp, i've gotten either really super encouraging (come to think of it, almost too enthusiastic) responses such as "oh my you'll be so fit! i'll be so jealous!" or the complete opposite - "you're soooo going to kill yourself. you're going to regret it after like, day three." well, it was day one and i already wanted to ask myself why...
good thing that i had water and some dried fruits and nuts in the car to take me home...or else i seriously wouldn't have made it. by the time bootcamp is done, it's 7pm and i'm typically starving and super grumpy by then that it is a dangerous place to be. that, and i have naturally low blood pressure and blood sugar that if i don't eat, i get all shaky and feel sick. so anyway, we'll see how the 19 days that remain go. i'd better be buff at the end of the session or else i just wouldn't know what to do with myself!!
for those who have google'd this entry because they're contemplating joining - please don't make a decision based on day one. you can wait another 19 business days to decide if this is worthwhile, and i'm your live guinea pig. (which also means, if the guinea pig dies at the end of an experiment? you probably don't want to tamper with whatever it is that did them in.)
4 hours ago
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