no whine.
day 3 was the "core" muscles so it was a lot of pilates, but enhanced with extra torturous positions to make sure that nobody was able to slack off. we did crunches, modified "100's", planks in all different positions, and some partner work with free weights and elastic bands. oh, and there was running. apparently as a warm-up, we run at least 800m daily. i wish someone had told me that before i signed up - it would've made me think twice.
also, i don't think the idea of "bootcamp" ever really clicked in my head. i don't know what i was imagining, but i blocked out the part where bootcamp trainers will push your limits to the extreme. i guess i thought there would just be "intense" workouts, but didn't really want to believe that it would be hardcore testing your stamina (mine is nonexistent).
i ran the laps with the other newbie yesterday. i know she could've run faster and passed me, but she stuck by me and chatted. i don't particularly enjoy talking while running (stitches anyone?), but the thought was much appreciated. i felt like forrest gump being cheered on.
today, i feel "interesting". my arms no longer hurt from monday (yay!), my core doesn't really bother me unless i go looking for trouble (yay!), but my poor poor legs!!!!! i feel like my thighs were crushed by a 300lb weight, and i can't even really walk with flats on! booooooo.
tonight's the "gauntlet", which is intervals and i overheard the word "running" a few too many times for my comfort. watch out for another whiny post after tonight's extravaganza...
4 hours ago
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