day 5, friday, was a full body circuit. we started off with jogging the track 3 times, which was a huuuuge thing for me. i did all three laps fairly easily, and by the end i didn't feel like how i felt on monday after just 2.5 laps. not to say that i didn't struggle through all that breathing and convincing my legs to continue, but it was definitely an easier feat compared to monday. seeing that improvement, it made me feel so much better about the rest of the workout.
we did three circuits, four stations in each circuit, with an agility ladder as part of the running. activities included squats, lunges, donkey kicks, burpies (twice!), deltoid raises, push-ups, crunches, russian twists, upper cuts, and a whole range of other torturous activities invented by gym fanatics. i was doing OK on the stations until burpies came along. each burpie takes soooo long, soooo much energy, and was just soooo unnecessarily hard on my legs rather than my upper body that i literally had jelly legs after doing them. i felt quite dizzy a couple of times but continued on and i'm glad i pushed myself because clearly i survived. last thing on the list was two times up and down that damned hill again. i swear, i can't see how i will come to enjoy running up and down a steep hill, but it's something i will have to face for three more weeks so maybe by the end of this bootcamp i won't be whining about them as much.
i think my stupid jokes are annoying some people and perhaps even the trainer. i can't help it! i love saying, how about a nap now? or i need a little lie-down. i would actually really enjoy one so i joke to get myself more motivated. it works for me, ok?
i'm glad week 1 is over. sometimes during the exercises i am still questioning why i am doing this, but then i see my giant stomach and suck it up (haha, literally too). i was really looking forward to the end of week 1 too. i think i still haven't gotten to the point where i am used to exercise and am motivated to do it regularly. again, maybe by week 4 i will have changed my mind. we'll have to see!
4 hours ago
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