the past week since i last blogged has been absolutely nutty that i have neglected to do anything on the computer. i think today is the first day alex's laptop is even set up since the weekend.
saturday night, i was invited to the party i'd been waiting for, the roger's cup players party at ultra. the invite was all black, it was sponsored by moet & chandon and belvedere, and i felt posh just whispering that i was going to the party. (i had to keep it on the d-low for political reasons.) anywayyyy, mr. roddick showed up, did the press wall, did the rounds with media (5 minutes), and left. the patio was sooo crowded with wannabe's (only a section was blocked off) that i didn't even see him come and go!! boo. however, we met novak djokovic, who's currently 3rd(?) in the world, and his entourage (i.e. coach, health trainer, friends, etc.), and some brazilian coach and his player, and daniel nestor, the best thing that canada ever had in tennis (so far). i don't think nadal showed up even though he was supposed to. all night though, champagne and vodka drinks flowed freely...nice. i must've had at least 3 glasses of each, plus a few we purchased on our own. good times! if i ever locate the press wall pictures, i shall post them. the four of us definitely made efforts to look good!
on sunday evening alex and i went to the gym, where i ran intervals on the treadmill again, in hopes that come monday, i wouldn't "forget" how to run the track three times as a warm-up. i'm impressed with myself.
monday was the very first arms day. i find that with arms, at the time of the exercises, my arms get really tired and sore, but there's never really lingering pains the following days. does this mean i'm not killing myself enough?
tuesday i had to attend the morning class because i've started teaching at kaplan again. so at 6am, i was standing by the cn tower...and then running from the steam whistle around to the other side of the skydome. that run is not fun; it involves way too many stairs. or so i thought. we ended up using stairs pretty much the whole time...up and down, up and down, up and down, up and down, the long long long stairs outside the skydome. if you haven't been, just think of the stairs in a major ball park - they covered that on the outside of the skydome too, and that's basically what we used. alex came with me, pushed himself like crazy (show-off), and then sat out the second half of the class because he was basically green and ready to throw up. i think part of it was because he foresaw the suicides, done on the stairs, TWICE!! i actually didn't mind them, because as a closing exercise, the stairs are much more conquerable than the stupid hill in markham.
wednesday i had to do the downtown class again, because of the team offsite. core is always the easiest day, although i think i may have to start stepping up my game when holding planks and stuff. you know, be a keener and do the "extra-challenging" poses. ugh.
surprisingly on both days when i did the 6am class, i was able to wake up in time, do the class without feeling like crap, and continue with the rest of the day. it leads me to believe that i can probably handle the next session (if i sign up again) downtown, to make life easier. i mean, i get tired around the same time at night regardless, so i might as well be able to come home earlier every night instead of staying in markham till 7. this is all just hypothetical - i don't want to take my insane speak of waking up at 5:00 every morning seriously just yet.
today was the gauntlet again, and i felt a bit weird going in. i am exhausted because this week i've been away from the office or my desk everyday, so i have had to stay up late or go in early (7:15am and at my desk, yo) to get stuff done. i finished the three laps (barely), and had a huge headache. the exercises were OK, but i just didn't feel super great throughout. hopefully i'll be able to get a good night's rest tonight and it'll be good tomorrow to finish off the week. i can't wait till the weekend! i have no serious plans except going to the american idols concert (haha, i'm a loser, i know).
in other news, kingsley turns 1 on monday! i've really got to get on teaching the child how to say my name before he starts saying mama and dada. bwaha.
4 hours ago
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