i ended week 2 on a bit of a lazy note. i wasn't feeling well since a) it was that time of the month and b) everyone at work is sick and i just happen to have to sit in meeting rooms with these people for extended periods of time. i warmed up with only two laps, and after the circuit (only two of us were there!) i walked the hill twice. just. could. not. bring. self. to. move. any. quicker.
monday evening i made up for it though. somehow i got this boost of energy as soon as i started running and i did four(!) laps to warm up!! i felt like i could go on for another lap too, but since everyone else had already warmed up early, i didn't want to hold up the class. i even managed to semi-jog the hill at the end of class! i was so proud. i also used the heavier weights for the arm exercises so i could get some pain and some gain - graduated from 5lb to 10lb for some of them!!
tuesday morning i went and did the exercises by the skydome again. i think i did better this time, but it was still really hard because of all the cardio-intensive work. terence came with me and although he claims he felt it was kinda easy, he admitted today he's a tad sore. ha!
today was core day, and i went downtown again in the morning. i like morning classes more because i get my evenings to myself...although for the past two days i haven't really had an evening but those are other stories. anyway, i pushed myself really hard for the crunches and the push-ups and the planks, and even managed to do the circuit runs a little faster than usual. i'm really hoping to see results here!
speaking of results...none yet. i forced the tape measure but it just won't budge and admit the truth. i haven't weighed myself yet and i am not sure if it would be any help since i may have gained muscle from all this intense work. i feel better - my stomach feels leaner when i sit and stand and my arms, when resting, look skinnier too. the tape measure just sucks. also, i think i am motivated to continue bootcamp until we go to spain - i can get in another 4-week session before leaving, so it'll be perfect timing! i see some difference, and since the tape measure isn't showing that, i am determined to do it until a point when the tape measure agrees with me too.
this week has been sooo hectic so far and i'm feeling a bit deflated. tuesday was a full day starting from bootcamp at 6am, and i also taught my first official kaplan class. it was hard. it wasn't hard to teach the material but it was hard to sustain the enthusiasm about math! at one point i thought to myself, i am SO freaking bored i could walk out right now. immediately after i felt really guilty for thinking that. i think a lot of prep work has to go in to be 110% prepared, confident, and happy about the syllabus. BOOHOO. i didn't get home until 9:30 last night, then it was back out the door at 5:45am this morning for bootcamp.
i stayed late at work today to figure out the mess that is with our current campaign. a month old and it's wreaking havoc in our lives still. you'd think it's smooth sailing now that it's launched and in market. apparently someone has a great sense of humour and wishes me a heart attack or two in the near future...by the time i left, it was basically because if i didn't leave, i would probably have started banging my head repeatedly on my desk. alex and i then went to pick up the dining table that we bought on craigslist. we're going to re-finish the table (which costs 4x the actual cost of the table), but for now it'll have to be weird pine-y colour table sitting in our dining room, i think. i'll have to call around tomorrow to see what the timeline would be like to get the table re-finished.
i can't seem to stop rambling but i do need to make sure i'm maximizing my precious time before hitting the sack at 10, so i'll save the ranting for another day.
4 hours ago
Hey Mango,
Wanna check out another boot camp that by the sounds of it is a little more fun and probably more convenient?
Check out www.BootyCampFitness.comWe have 66 plus Boot Camp locations across Canada.
If you blog about all 8 weeks, I'll even give you a free 8 week.
For the Love of Health and Fitness,
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